Kartoffel Music

Do you have mp3 music files that you want to keep forever? Upload it to Cloud and enjoy on your phone! With Kartoffel Music, you can enjoy your favorite musics anytime and anywhere, without the need for an internet connection.

How to use

First, connect to your favorite Cloud and download your music files.

Tap to connect

Select files



Second, check downloaded files. It's now on your device.

Checkout folder tab

Tap to play

Third, create a playlist and add the downloaded files

Name the playlist

Tap "+" to add

Select files

Done. Tap Play button



Q. I have bunch of mp3 music files on my PC. How do I trasnfer those files to Kartoffel Music app?
Google Drive is great place to store your private data. Visit to Google Drive and upload your files. Then, download Kartoffel Music app and you can connect to Google Drive.

Q. Personally, I am using other Cloud storage other than Google. eg. DropBox. Do I have to sign up for Google Drive?
Unfortunately, yes. You do need to sign up for Google Drive for now. But we are working towards supporting other Cloud storages, namely, DropBox and Microsoft One Drive.

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